Tuesday, 30 November 2021


Sometimes when the process is the important part of the slow contemplative stitching it can lead to a product. 

I have simply enjoyed the stitching, the in and out ,the gentle pop as the thread is pulled through the fabric. The smoothing down of the stitched line and the thinking, fitting into a space, should I add more, have I added too much? are the rhythms of process and thoughts that come into and out of my mind. 

These are made with mindful and time consuming slow methods. I have ecodyed, rust stained, stitched , mended and handled fondly . The needle case on the right has a wee traveller appliqued onto the front. The 6 inspiration cards were rust printed cards stitched after ripping and yet to have a saying, statement or quote to inspire or motivate or affirm on them. The pouch at the back is to hold the cards safely inside and a scrappy ball made on a pairless sock.

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