Monday, 17 June 2024

Starting Again

In my arts practice I am compelled towards the process of writing. Writing about my art, what I do and how I do it. Processes and outcomes. The journey and the destination. More than I can put onto Instagram. More than just a rambling of stream of consciousness which I do in writing Morning Pages as prescribed by Julia Cameron of The Artist's Way and others.

I have written articles on my recent travels to Japan , Egypt and Jordan for Queensland Quilter's quarterly magazine 'Material Facts'. The focus is on the textiles I find on these journeys. These are more factual that my thought process on fabric, textiles, creating, inspiration, influences, stitching and resolving pieces. 

Recently having finished my studies with OCA , online through a university in England I feel ready to expand my writing and arts practice. So I return to this wee blog I started in 2016 as a place to simply record my makings. 

I was fairly consistent until 2022 and now I look back to see that 2023 was perhaps my most successful year and nothing is recorded in great depth. There have always been posts on Instagram but mostly just the finished image photographed to the best I can do yet not much information on the concept, process , failings and working through issues that arise in the development. 

I will continue on from here and perhaps occasionally put in some of the special things that occurred in my making in the missing year. 


Two images from a workshop with Carol Cooke making Can-Can birds. Very interesting process which is simple yet produces and individaul bird rather than using a pattern. Unfinished as yet.